Author : Arul Selvan M
Page No: 650 - 657
Abstract : The continuous growth of healthcare data has made it essential to develop efficient systems that not only alert healthcare providers but also visualize patient data in a comprehensible way. This study introduces a Health Alert System integrated with Report Visualization powered by Data Analytics to improve patient monitoring and alerting mechanisms. By leveraging real-time data from wearable sensors and hospital records, the system generates health alerts based on deviations from normal parameters. The proposed system combines predictive analytics and historical data to flag potential emergencies before they occur. The visual analytics platform provides comprehensive reports to healthcare providers, enabling them to monitor trends, identify risk factors, and make informed decisions. This approach significantly enhances patient care by minimizing delays in response and improving overall health outcomes. The system's architecture, based on big data frameworks, supports scalable and efficient data processing. The study demonstrates how the integration of predictive models and data visualization tools can revolutionize health alert systems, making them more responsive and adaptive to individual patient needs. Future enhancements will focus on incorporating machine learning models for more personalized predictions and extending the system's capabilities to remote patient care.
Keyword Health monitoring, Data analytics, Alert systems, Predictive analytics, Visual analytics

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