Submitted manuscripts must describe original research not previously published and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. An important key notes for author information, manuscripts must be written in English, although papers may be submitted by authors from any country. Authors who are not native English speakers may appreciate assistance with grammar, vocabulary, and style when submitting papers to JSTAR
Manuscript Submission
Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published before; that it is not under consideration for publication anywhere else; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities – tacitly or explicitly – at the institute where the work has been carried out. The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation.
Online Paper Submission
Prospective authors are invited to submit full text papers including abstract, keywords, introduction, methodology, result description, tables, figures and references. Full text papers (.doc, .pdf) may send by e-mail at
Title Page: The title page should include the name(s) of the author(s), a concise and informative title, the affiliation(s) and address(es) of the author(s), the e-mail address, and mobile number(s) of the corresponding author.
- Abstract: Please provide an abstract of 150 to 450 words. The abstract should not contain any undefined abbreviations or unspecified references.
- Keywords: Author(s) should provide 4 to 6 keywords which can be used for indexing purposes.
Text Formatting:
Margins: Top 1.0″ Bottom 1.0″ Left 1.0″ Right 1.0
Font: Times New Roman / 12 pt
Paper Size: Letter A4
- Introduction: State the objectives of the work and provide an adequate background, with a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results.
- Theory/Calculation/Methodology: A Theory Section should extend, not repeat the information discussed in Introduction. In contrast, a Calculation Section represents a practical development from a theoretical basis.
- Result: Results should be clear and concise.
- Discussion: This section should explore the importance of the results of the work, not repeat them. A combined Results and Discussion section is often appropriate.
- Conclusion and Future Scope: The main conclusions of the study may be presented in a short Conclusion Section. In this section, the author(s) should also briefly discuss the limitations of the research and Future Scope for improvement.
Acknowledgement: If desired, authors may provide acknowledgements at the end of the article, before the references. The organizations / individuals who provided help during the research (e.g. providing language help, writing assistance, proof reading the article, sponsoring the research, etc.) may be acknowledged here.
Do not use any title for the authors (PhD, IEEE member, etc.). Do not forget the page number when citing from books or review articles with many pages. Always at the end of the reference, if the article is available online add, “available online: http://xxx”. Check the link of the web address for consistency. Use at least 10-20 reference papers in your article, make sure they are well chosen with respect to the article’s content. Cite the references in ascendant order starting with [1]. Do not copy the text from reference in your paper without using quotes.
Authors are responsible for ensuring that the information in each reference is complete and accurate. All references must be cited using Arabic numerals in the order in which they appear and citations of references in text should be identified using numbers in square brackets (e.g., “as solved by Smith [5]”; “as solved elsewhere [9, 10]”). All references should be cited within the text; otherwise, these references will be automatically removed.
List all authors, but if the number exceeds 6, list only the first 3 authors followed by et al. Please follow the format and punctuation shown in the following examples:
Journal Articles: Initials and last name of authors, title of article (capitalize only the first word, proper names, and abbreviations normally capitalized; no quotation marks), journal title, volume, issue number, year of publication, inclusive page numbers.
B. Batiha, M.S.M. Noorani, I. Hashim, Numerical simulation of the generalized Huxley equation by He”svariational iteration method, Applied Mathematics and Computation 186 (2007) 1322-1325.
Books: Initials and last name of authors, title of book, edition number (if after first edition), publisher, city and country of publisher, year of publication, page numbers (only if specifically cited).
A.H. Nayfeh, Perturbation Methods, John Wiley, New York, 1973.
Book Chapters: Initials and last name of authors; title of chapter, title of book, etc.
K.E. McCash, Applying critical thinking to the nursing process, Medical Surgical Nursing-Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems. St. Louis, MO, USA: Mosby Inc, 2005; 3–13.
Online References: Author(s), if given; title of the specific item cited (if none is given, use the name of the organization responsible for the site); name of the website; full URL; date published; date the website was accessed.
American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. Moral distress position statement. /Docs/Moral_Distress.pdf. Revised August 2008. Accessed December 18, 2011.
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