Author : Sankara Reddy Thamma
Page No: 535 - 543
Abstract : Generative AI is reshaping sectors like banking and healthcare by enabling innovative applications such as personalized service offerings, predictive analytics, and automated content generation. In banking, generative AI drives customer engagement through tailored financial advice, fraud detection, and streamlined customer service. Meanwhile, in healthcare, it enhances medical imaging analysis, drug discovery, and patient diagnostics, significantly impacting patient care and operational efficiency. This paper presents an experimental study examining the implementation and effectiveness of generative AI in these sectors. The research evaluates generative AI’s capabilities through a multi-phase framework, addressing how data synthesis, language models, and predictive algorithms contribute to sector-specific applications. In banking, the model assesses the impact of AI-driven chatbot interactions, credit risk assessment, and personalized financial services on customer experience and bank performance. Healthcare applications are explored through image synthesis for diagnostics, predictive modeling in patient care, and drug discovery simulations. The experimental setup is rigorously tested across metrics such as response accuracy, cost-effectiveness, and data privacy to determine the benefits and potential risks associated with generative AI in these fields. Results indicate substantial improvements in efficiency, accuracy, and personalized care, but also highlight the challenges of data privacy, ethical considerations, and system scalability. By providing a structured analysis, this research contributes insights into optimizing generative AI deployments for both banking and healthcare, ensuring a balance between innovation and risk management. The study concludes with recommendations for future research directions, including advanced model training, ethical guidelines, and enhanced privacy measures. These insights aim to inform practitioners on the benefits of generative AI, ensuring sustainable integration into banking and healthcare ecosystems.
Keyword Generative AI in Healthcare, Banking Automation with AI, Predictive Modeling, Synthetic Data Generation, AI Ethics and Compliance

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