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Page No: 39-48
Abstract : In recent days Augmented Reality is an emerging trend in marketing and sales strategies. Augmented reality ads are immersive, which means they help marketers create a certain emotional connection with customers. Unlike images or banners, for example, AR ads are interactive and lifelike consumers can see and even interact with them. Now-a-days people prefer online shopping rather than the traditional window shopping and Augmented Reality allows brands to give customers unique experiences with the convenience of tapping into their mobile devices. So the main purpose is to build an “AR Watch Try-On application” is to develop android application for trying different watches in a Virtual way using a mobile which supports AR camera. This application can be used on Online Watch Shopping websites and applications such as Titan, Fastrack, Sonata and so on. The application will eliminate the human efforts by physically visiting the Watch shops which is very time-consuming activity. User can try out multiple watches and different varients of those watches.
Keyword Augmented Reality, Emerging trend, Augmented Reality ads, interactive and lifelike, Virtual component, AR camera, Time Consuming Activity.