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Page No: 15-27
Abstract : Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a global health problem with high morbidity and mortality rate, and it induces other diseases. There are no obvious incidental effects during the starting periods of CKD, patients routinely disregard to see the sickness. Early disclosure of CKD enables patients to seek helpful treatment to improve the development of this disease. AI models can effectively assist clinical with achieving this objective on account of their fast and exact affirmation execution. In this appraisal, proposed a Logistic relapse framework for diagnosing CKD. Proposed calculation like NAIVE BAYES , DECISION TREE , KSTAR , LOGISITIC , AND SVM and look at these calculation and get the most noteworthy precision .AI store, which has an enormous number of missing qualities. Missing characteristics are for the most part found, taking everything into account, clinical conditions since patients might miss a couple of assessments for various reasons. By separating the misjudgements delivered by the set up models and proposed a fused model that unites determined backslide and sporadic woods by using perceptron.
Keyword Disease, Machine Learning, Feature extraction, Support Vector Machine, Analytical Models, Kidney, Neural Networks.