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Page No: 100-110
Abstract : Smart home has become more and more popular in recent years. Due to the rapid development in the field of the Automation industry, human life is becoming more advanced and better in all aspects. In the present scenario, Automated systems are being preferred over the non-automated system. With the rapid growth in the number of consumers using the internet over the past years, the Internet has become an important part of life, and IoT is the newest and emerging internet technology. Internet of things plays an important role in human life as well as in the educational field because they are able to provide information and complete the given tasks while we are busy doing some other work. In this project, a prototype and implementation of Smart Home Automation with Wi-Fi technology are demonstrated. ESP8266 is used as a Wi-Fi technology. The proposed system consists of a hardware interface and software interface. In the hardware interface, the integration of ESP8266 Wi-Fi technology for controlling home appliances, door lock and unlock and sensors is manifested, and an application is provided for controlling to multiple users of home, with smart phones, tablets, and laptops. This system is one of the best methods for controlling home devices with ease with multiple users and one of the best methods for an energy management system. The access to the whole system is given by its admin only to different users. This system is also expandable for controlling various appliances used at home and also for the security and safety purpose of the home through sensors as long as it exists on Wi-Fi network coverage.
Keyword Home automation; Smartphone; Arduino; Wifi; Home appliances.