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Page No: 139-149
Abstract : The Medical bot project is built using artificial algorithms that analyses user’s queries and understand user’s message. This System is a web application which provides answer to the query of the patients. Patients just have to query through the bot which is used for chatting. Patients can chat using any format there is no specific format the user has to follow. The System uses built in artificial intelligence to answer the query. The answers are appropriate what the user queries. The User can query any Medical related activities through the system. The user does not have to personally go to the Medical for enquiry. The System analyses the question and then answers to the user. The system answers to the query as if it is answered by the person. With the help of artificial intelligence, the system answers the query asked by the patients. The system replies using an effective Graphical user interface which implies that as if a real person is talking to the user. The user just has to register himself to the system and has to login to the system. After login user can access to the various helping pages. Various helping pages has the bot through which the user can chat by asking queries related to Medical activities. The system replies to the user with the help of effective graphical user interface. The user can query about the Medical related activities through online with the help of this web application. The user can query Medical related activities such as date and timing of annual day, sports day, and other cultural activities. This system helps the patients to be updated about the Medical activities.
Keyword medical emergency, chat bot, etc.,