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Page No: 552 - 566
Abstract : The production of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) causes havoc to the environment due to the emission of CO 2 as well mining also results in unrecoverable loss to nature. Estimated carbon This Project deals with the details of optimized Mix Design for normal strength concrete using packing density method. Dredged Marine Sand (DMS) which is produced during the operation of dredging. DMS is mixed with M-Sand in different ratios & Packing density is obtained using sieve analysis experimentally. This ratio’s of different fine aggregate is introduced into the geopolymer concrete is the concrete in which alternate material for cement is used also alkali activated solution is used and Concrete made up of cement, aggregates, water & additives is the world's most consumed construction material since it is found to be more versatile, durable and reliable. Concrete is the second most consumed material after water which required large quantities of Portland cementemissions from cement production in 1994 were 307 MtC, 160 MtC from calcination, and 147 MtC from energy use which account for 5% of 1994 global anthropogenic CO 2 emissions. Hence, it is the need of hour to find an alternative material to the existing most expensive cement-concrete. The result for packing density has been obtained by taking inference on particle distribution curve. The compressive strength of the respective concrete grade is obtained. The fines content (particles finer than 75 μm) in aggregate has substantial effects on the performance of concrete. Since the fines content has large surface area that would increase the water demand, maximum limits are often imposed. However, the fines content would also fill into the voids between larger particles to increase the packing density and thus reduce the volume of voids to be filled with cement paste. Hence, the fines content is not entirely undesirable and it has been suggested to raise the limits on the fines content.
Keyword Packing density, M-Sand, Dredged Marine Sand (DMS), Geopolymer concrete