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Page No: 143-149
Abstract : Dengue fever Is a disease thatis caused by the bites of a mosquito(adesagypti) which
belongs to the family of Flaviviridae which consists of four stereotypes. In the dengue fever, the
patient has a fever of 40 ℃ (104 ℉).The disease of dengue fever ranges from asymptomatic to
the level of symptomatic hemorrhage and shock. The patient of dengue fever suffers from
hemorrhagic dengue fever. In the case of dengue fever, the platelets count decreases from the
normal level causing leucopenia. There is no proper treatment for dengue fever but some
herbal medicines are used to increase the number of platelets in a person to treat dengue
fever. Mostly papaya leaves are the best herbal remedy that can applied in the treatment of
dengue fever.
Keyword mosquito bite leukopenia, high-gradefever, papaya leaves.