Author : Arul Selvan M
Page No: 598 - 608
Abstract : With the proliferation of sophisticated cyber threats, traditional malware detection techniques are becoming inadequate to ensure robust cybersecurity. This study explores the integration of deep learning (DL) techniques into malware detection systems to enhance their accuracy, scalability, and adaptability. By leveraging convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), and transformers, this research presents an intelligent malware detection framework capable of identifying both known and zero-day threats. The methodology involves feature extraction from static, dynamic, and hybrid malware datasets, followed by training DL models to classify malicious and benign software with high precision. A robust experimental setup evaluates the framework using benchmark malware datasets, yielding a 96% detection accuracy and demonstrating resilience against adversarial attacks. Real-time analysis capabilities further improve response times, reducing the risk of potential damage. The study also incorporates visualization tools to provide interpretable insights into model decisions, enhancing transparency for cybersecurity practitioners. Concluding with a discussion on the challenges and future prospects, this research paves the way for scalable, AI-driven solutions to combat evolving cyber threats.
Keyword Malware Detection, Deep Learning, Cybersecurity, Adversarial Resilience, Zero-Day Threats

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