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Page No: 81-90
Abstract : Anamoly detection in videos plays an important role in various real-life applications. Most of traditional approaches depend on utilizing handcrafted features which are problem-dependent and optimal for specific tasks. Nowadays, there has been a rise in the amount of disruptive and offensive activities that have been happening. Due to this, security has been given principal significance. Public places like shopping centers, avenues, banks, etc. are increasingly being equipped with CCTVs to guarantee the security of individuals. Subsequently, this inconvenience is making a need to computerize this system with high accuracy. Since constant observation of these surveillance cameras by humans is a near-impossible task. It requires workforces and their constant attention to judge if the captured activities are anomalous or suspicious. Hence, this drawback is creating a need to automate this process with high accuracy. Moreover, there is a need to display which frame and which parts of the recording contain the uncommon activity which helps the quicker judgment of that unordinary action being unusual or suspicious. Therefore, to reduce the wastage of time and labour, we are utilizing deep learning algorithms for Automating Threat Recognition System. Its goal is to automatically identify signs of aggression and violence in real-time, which filters out irregularities from normal patterns. We intend to utilize different Deep Learning models (CNN and RNN) to identify and classify levels of high movement in the frame. From there, we can raise a detection alert for the situation of a threat, indicating the suspicious activities at an instance of time and spray the smoke spray.
Keyword Internet of Things, Image Processing, Cloud Access, Security System.