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Machining Behaviour of Aluminium 6063 Reinforced with Aluminium Oxide (Al2O3) and Chicken Bone Ash (CBA) Produced by Stir Casting Technique
S.Baskar et al [1] made a study on the aluminium combined with fly ash and alumina particles. This combination results in a improved sort of mechanical properties and of course the addition of alumina and fly ash depends upon the application to be used and hardness needed. A.Bharadwaj et al [2] made a experimentation by adding boron carbide and fly ash with aluminium 6063. This combination increased the tensile and hardness property to an extent but the hardness property gets decreased by weight addition of boron carbide.
Narasa Raju Gosangi et al [3] studied the property of aluminium matrix composite combined with the Nano fly ash particles processed using stir casting method. The weight percentage of fly ash greatly influenced the hardness value of the composite and also the tensile strength. Of course the tool rotational speed during welding also shared a great job in increasing the tensile strength of the specimen. T.Prasad et al [4] made a comparative study between pure aluminium 6061 and varying composition of rice husk ask, fly ash with aluminium 6061. The better results are obtained for 10% of fly ash and rice husk mixed with aluminium 6061 respectively. Sulaiman et al [5] made a aluminium composite with help of cow bone and periwinkle shell. Addition of cowbone and periwinkle shell made the composite to be lightweight as well gave an improved range of mechanical properties such as hardness and tensile strength. Reddy et al [6] studied the tribological characteristic of aluminium 6063 reinforced with titanium carbide composite stating that the wear characteristics increased with increasing tic and proved it using the anova technique.Venkatesulu et al [7] experimented aluminium 6063 with boron carbide. Varying matter of composition of boron carbide yielded different results for this composite especially hardness of this composite gets increased due to the addition of boron carbide. Microstructural results shows good result of bonding for boron carbide added with less than 5%.Zhang et al [8] made an experiment on Nano silicon carbide based aluminium 2014 composite which showed an increased range of ductility even at its elevated range of temperature. This showed an improved range of strength of due to the Nano sized particles. Annigeri et al [9] made a review on of the casting technique called stir casting. Most probably the material heated in a crucible and the stirrer fixed various based on the homogeneity needed. Metal matrix composite of best property is obtained based on stirrer speed, size, stirring speed etc., Rajesh et al [10] made a comparative study on pure aluminium6063 and varying composition of magnesium, silicon carbide and fly ash. The results showed a improved range of mechanical property with aluminium, magnesium and silicon carbide composition respectively.Kant et al [11] suggested that the stir casting process is simplest and cheapest method wherein having a disadvantage of agglomeration wherein this can be solved through coating of reinforcement. Manojkumar et al [12] investigated the wear behavior of aluminium composite made of fly ash and graphite. The results of the dry wear test made with this composite showed an increased range of wear resistance. Nithyanandhan [13] stated that the Corrosion rate of the reinforced component is slightly decreased with the comparison of pure Aluminium 6061. The corrosion resistances of Al- B4C -RHA composites have increased with percentage increase of Boron carbide and rice husk ash. The maximum percentage of reinforced metal like boron carbide decreased the corrosion rate and increased the corrosion Resistance.