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Page No: 111-119
Abstract : This work has been designed to develop an a dynamic road signal based on an emergency with density. The sync signal automatically switches to detecting traffic density at the intersection. Traffic congestion is a serious problem in many large cities around the world and has become a nightmare for travelers in these cities. The conventional traffic light system is based on the concept of fixed time assigned to each side of the join that cannot be varied by varying traffic density. The tie times assigned are fixed. But in an emergency, emergency timings change according to the distance and depth of the traffic. At the time the emergency vehicle is read by the receiver it will execute the management of the traffic light. These projects are infrared proximity sensors in the sightline configuration through the load to detect the traffic light density. The vehicle density is measured in several sectors based on the times assigned as a result. Every crossing of the emergency vehicle logs the data's to the cloud. This log signal would help with the destination acknowledgment. This synchronization will greatly reduce traffic jam.
Keyword RFID sensor, Infrared Sensors, Arduino IDE, Node MCU