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Page No: 444 - 458
Abstract : Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have become increasingly prevalent in various applications, ranging from environmental monitoring to smart cities. However, the limited energy resources of sensor nodes pose significant challenges in maintaining network longevity and data transmission efficiency. Duty-cycled WSNs, where sensor nodes alternate between active and sleep states to conserve energy, offer a solution to these challenges but introduce new complexities in data transmission. This paper presents an optimized approach to aggregated packet transmission in duty-cycled WSNs, utilizing advanced optimization techniques to enhance energy efficiency, reduce latency, and improve network throughput. By aggregating data packets from multiple nodes before transmission, the proposed method minimizes the number of transmissions, thereby conserving energy. Optimization algorithms such as Genetic Algorithms (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) are employed to determine the optimal aggregation and transmission schedules, taking into account factors such as network topology, node energy levels, and data urgency. The proposed approach is validated through extensive simulations, demonstrating significant improvements in energy consumption, packet delivery ratio, and overall network performance. The results suggest that the optimized aggregated packet transmission method can effectively extend the lifespan of duty-cycled WSNs while ensuring reliable data communication. Future work will explore the integration of machine learning techniques for adaptive scheduling and the application of the proposed method to heterogeneous WSNs.
Keyword Duty-Cycled WSNs, Aggregated Packet Transmission, Energy Optimization, Genetic Algorithms (GA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)