Author : Yoheswari S
Page No: 408 - 414
Abstract : As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to expand, ensuring secure and efficient data storage and retrieval becomes a critical challenge. IoT devices, often constrained by limited computational resources, require lightweight encryption protocols that balance security and performance. This paper presents an optimized encryption protocol designed specifically for lightweight, searchable data in IoT environments. The proposed protocol utilizes advanced optimization techniques to enhance the efficiency and security of searchable encryption, enabling rapid data retrieval without compromising the integrity and confidentiality of the data. The protocol leverages a hybrid cryptographic approach, combining symmetric and asymmetric encryption, to ensure robust protection against unauthorized access while maintaining low computational overhead. Furthermore, the implementation of an optimized keyword indexing mechanism facilitates fast and accurate search operations, making the protocol well-suited for real-time IoT applications. Extensive experiments were conducted using various IoT datasets to evaluate the performance of the proposed protocol in terms of encryption speed, search efficiency, and overall security. The results demonstrate that the optimized encryption protocol significantly outperforms existing methods, offering a scalable solution that meets the stringent requirements of IoT systems. This research contributes to the field by providing a practical and secure encryption solution that addresses the unique challenges of IoT environments, paving the way for more secure and efficient IoT networks.
Keyword Searchable Encryption, Internet of Things (IoT), Lightweight Cryptography, Keyword Indexing, Data Security

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