Page No: 28-45
Abstract : This thesis presents the design of a hybrid electric power generation system utilizing
both wind and solar energy for supplying a cluster of three micro and small enterprises (MSEs)
working on wood and metal products at the Welenchity site. The work was begun by investigating
wind and solar energy potentials of the desired site, compiling data from different sources and
analyzing themusingsoftware. The wind speed and solar irradiation data for the site understudy
are collected from the National Metrological Agency (NMA) and analyzed using the software tool
HOMER. The results related to wind energy potential are given in terms of the monthly average
wind speed, the wind speed PDF, the wind speed CDF, the wind speed DC, and power density plot
for the site. Whereas the solar energy potential, has been given in the form of solar radiation plots
for the site. According to the results obtained through the analysis, the site has abundant solar
energy potential and the wind energy potential is unquestionably high enough to be exploited for
generating electric energy using wind turbines with low cut-in wind speed. The design of a
standalone PV-wind hybrid power generating system has proceeded based on the promising
findings of these two renewable energy resource potentials, wind and solar. The simulations and
design has been carried out using the HOMER software. By running the software the simulation
results which are lists of power supply systems have been generated and arranged in ascending
order according to their net present cost (NPC). Sensitivity variables, such as range of wind speed,
solar radiation and diesel price have been defined as inputs into the software and the
optimization process has been carried out repeatedly for the sensitivity variables and the results
have been refined accordingly
Keyword PV-wind hybrid, HOMER, cluster of micro and small enterprises, simulation