Author : Padmavathi S M
Page No: 486 - 500
Abstract : The rapid adoption of telemedicine has transformed healthcare delivery, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. This digital shift has enabled medical professionals to offer consultations and manage patients remotely, ensuring continuity of care while reducing exposure risks. However, the integration of telemedicine has presented both opportunities and challenges for doctors, particularly in terms of their work-life balance. This paper explores the digital adaptation of doctors in public and private hospitals concerning telemedicine practices and its impact on their work-life harmony. The study highlights the advantages telemedicine offers, such as increased flexibility, reduced commuting time, and better time management. It also examines the challenges doctors face, including the demands of always being digitally accessible, the learning curve of new technologies, and the difficulty in maintaining boundaries between personal and professional life. Using both quantitative and qualitative data, this research compares the telemedicine adaptation experiences of doctors in public versus private hospitals, considering factors such as hospital infrastructure, support systems, and patient load. Furthermore, the paper delves into the role of hospital management and policy in easing the digital transition and fostering a more harmonious work-life balance. By analyzing technological tools and frameworks in telemedicine, the research identifies areas where improvements can be made, offering recommendations for enhancing doctors' digital efficiency while promoting better work-life harmony. This study contributes to understanding how technology can be harnessed to benefit healthcare professionals, particularly in managing the dual demands of professional duties and personal well-being.
Keyword AI-Driven Telemedicine Platforms, Digital Health Adaptation, Remote Monitoring Technologies, Work-Life Integration in Healthcare, AI-Based Time Management Tools

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