Page No: 55-64
Abstract : COVID-19 began in China in December 2019. As of January 2021, over a hundred million
instances had been reported worldwide, leaving a deep socio-economic impact globally. Current
investigation studies determined that artificial intelligence (AI) can play a key role in reducing the
effect of the virus spread. The prediction of COVID-19 incidence in different countries and
territories is important because it serves as a guide for governments, healthcare providers, and
the general public in developing management strategies to battle the disease. The prediction
proved beneficial in the early months of 2020 to alert nations and territories in danger of an
outbreak, allowing them to take preventative measures. Despite the fact that the COVID-19
outbreak has expanded to practically every location on the planet, the prediction has value in
terms of monitoring the intensity of the spread and recovery, as well as determining the
likelihood of a sequel or tertiary epidemic. COVID-19, like influenza, could become a seasonal or
recurring epidemic in the future. COVID-19 activity must so be predicted and monitored now and
in the future.
Keyword Machine Learning, Cloud Computing