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S.Arun Inigo, V.Rajesh Kumar, P.Ashokram
Facial Expression conveys non-verbal cues, which plays an important role in interpersonal relations. The Cognitive Emotion AI system is the process of identifying the emotional state of a person. The main aim of our study is to develop a robust system which can detect as well as recognize human emotion from live feed. There are some emotions which are universal to all human beings like angry, sad, happy, surprise, fear, disgust and neutral. The methodology of this system is based on two stages- facial detection is done by extraction of Haar Cascade features of a face using Viola Jones algorithm and then the emotion is verified and recognized using Artificial Intelligence Techniques. The system will take image or frame as an input and by providing the image to the model the model will perform the preprocessing and feature selection after that it will be predict the emotional state.
Emotional Quotient, Emotional Intelligence, Ethnicity.
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P.Balasubramani, S.Swathi Krishna
Wearable sensor nodes, possessing constant monitoring features, produce a large amount of data. Besides, power consumption is a major constraint in these nodes in ensuring longer battery life as approximately 3/4th of the power of the sensor node is consumed during data transmission. During smart long-term monitoring of any biomedical signal in wireless body area networks, wearable sensor nodes generate and transmit a large amount of data, increasing transmission power consumption. In order to reduce data storage and power consumption, a lossless data compression technique for an electrocardiogram signal monitoring system is proposed. For this, a hybrid lossless multi-level compression algorithm based on Golomb–Rice coding and dictionary selection based on bitmask method is proposed to enhance the bit compressing rate. Golomb–Rice coding is one of the efficient lossless coding techniques that has been used where amplitude values of the input bit stream are significantly lower and with continuous runs of ones and zeros. An efficient bitmask with dictionary selection technique can create a large set of matching patterns that can significantly reduce the memory requirement for a set of repeated random data. The lossless encoding scheme is implemented on the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database, achieving a compression ratio better than the existing architecture.
High compression ratio, Wearable Sensor Nodes, Golomb–Rice coding, Compression Techniques